Networking Services


1. Network design and implementation
2. Windows networking
3. Linux networking
4. File servers
5. Print servers
6. Webservers
7. Application Servers

Wireless networking

1. Wireless access point setup
2. Wireless routers
3. Client setup
4. Wireless security auditing
5. Wireless encryption setup
6. Wireless print servers
7. Wireless Security

Network Administration

1. Remote administration and troubleshooting capabilities for your firewall and vpn
2. Remote administration and troubleshooting for your internal network with windows terminal services or PC Anywhere.
3. Onsite administration available

Network Security

1. Network security audits and reporting
2. Network security implementation
3. Firewalls
4. Server based anti-virus and spam control
5. Internet access control
6. Internal network and workstation monitoring
7. Server and workstation security
8. Centralized syslog servers